FIFA has had a long history of corruption allegations and scandals. In the past, the organization has been accused of bribery, money laundering, and other unethical practices, including accusations of mismanagement of funds.

The organization has been plagued by allegations of bribery, corruption, and mismanagement since at least the early 1990s when the first major scandal involving the awarding of the 1998 World Cup to France surfaced.
Since then, there have been numerous reports of financial irregularities and unethical behavior from FIFA officials.
In 2015, the US Department of Justice indicted nine FIFA officials and five corporate executives on charges of racketeering, wire fraud, and money laundering.
It has been accused of operating as a criminal organization and of using its position to enrich its members and secure lucrative contracts. This has led to a lack of trust and transparency in the way FIFA conducts its business.
Let’s read about the top 5 corruption scandals in the history of the FIFA World Cup, in-depth.
5 corruption scandals in the history of the FIFA World Cup
1. The Qatar 2022 World Cup Corruption Scandal
The Qatar 2022 World Cup corruption scandal is a major corruption scandal revolving around the awarding of the 2022 FIFA World Cup to Qatar.
This FIFA corruption scandal has been ongoing since 2010 when allegations first emerged that the Qatar bid team had paid millions of dollars in bribes to FIFA executives in order to secure the hosting rights to the tournament.
In December 2014, the Sunday Times reported that former FIFA vice-president Jack Warner had been paid $2 million by a Qatari businessman to secure the World Cup bid.
In March 2015, the U.S. Department of Justice indicted 14 individuals on corruption charges related to the awarding of the World Cup to Qatar. Several of those indicted were FIFA officials.
Qatar has denied any wrongdoing and has insisted that its bid was clean. However, the allegations of bribery and corruption have led to calls for the World Cup to be taken away from Qatar.
The FIFA Ethics Committee is currently investigating the allegations and is expected to report its findings in the near future.
This FIFA corruption scandal has cast a long shadow over the 2022 tournament and has caused many to question the legitimacy of the bidding process.
2. Brazil 2014 World Cup Corruption Scandal
In 2014, Brazil was rocked by a major corruption scandal involving the country’s World Cup preparations.
This FIFA corruption scandal involved a number of high-ranking officials from the government and from the organization of the event. It was alleged that they had taken bribes from construction companies in order to secure contracts for the mega event.
This World Cup corruption scandal became known as the ‘Petrolão’ (‘Big Oil’) scandal due to the involvement of the state-owned oil company, Petrobras. The company is alleged to have been used to funnel money to the officials involved in the scandal.
This FIFA corruption scandal led to the resignation of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, who was impeached in 2016. It also led to the arrest and imprisonment of a number of people involved in the scandal, including a former Brazilian football federation president.
This World Cup corruption scandal had a major impact on the Brazilian economy, and the country is still dealing with the fallout from it. It also tarnished Brazil’s reputation on the world stage and has had a lasting effect on the country’s image.
3. FIFA World Cup Ticket Corruption Scam
In 2015, FIFA’s former vice president, Jack Warner, was accused of taking part in a ticket-selling corruption scam at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

He was accused of using his influence to secure a large number of World Cup tickets for resale at inflated prices. It was alleged that he had profited from the sales to the tune of several million dollars.
Warner has denied the allegations and has never been charged with any crimes related to the alleged corruption.
However, in June 2016, he was banned from all football-related activities for life by FIFA’s Ethics Committee.
In addition, FIFA has stated that it will take “all necessary steps” to ensure that any unlawful profits are returned to FIFA.
4. 2011 FIFA Presidential Elections Corruption Scandal
In 2011, a major corruption scandal emerged in the world of football when two senior officials of the sport’s governing body, FIFA, were accused of bribery and fraud in connection with the 2011 FIFA presidential election.
The two officials were Mohamed bin Hammam, a Qatari member of FIFA’s executive committee, and Jack Warner, a Trinidadian official and the then-president of CONCACAF.
Both men were accused of offering bribes of up to $40,000 to Caribbean football associations in exchange for their votes in the election.
This FIFA corruption scandal led to an internal investigation by FIFA, which resulted in the suspension of both men from FIFA and the stripping of their FIFA membership.
As a result of the scandal, the election was canceled and FIFA president Sepp Blatter was re-elected unopposed.
This FIFA corruption scandal also resulted in a number of changes to FIFA’s governance structure, including the introduction of term limits for its president and other top officials, as well as greater transparency in its financial dealings.
Additionally, the scandal led to a wave of public criticism and calls for reform within FIFA.
5. 1998 FIFA Presidential Elections Corruption Scandal
In 1998, the FIFA presidential elections were marred by allegations of corruption.
Several members of the organization were accused of taking bribes from candidates in exchange for their votes.
This FIFA Presidential corruption scandal led to the suspension of several prominent members of FIFA, including president Sepp Blatter.
Blatter was eventually re-elected in 2002, and the scandal brought attention to the need for stronger regulations and oversight within the organization.
As a result, FIFA implemented new measures to combat corruption, including enhanced financial transparency and independent audits.
FIFA has a corrupt legacy. In 2015, a massive corruption scandal involving FIFA officials was uncovered, leading to arrests and the removal of key officials from the organization.
The scandal highlighted the need for reform and transparency within the organization.
As a result, FIFA has taken steps to improve its governance and accountability, including implementing a new code of ethics and introducing a number of new measures to increase transparency and protect the integrity of the game.

Max Fitzpatrick, a fervent sports enthusiast and skilled writer, brings a decade of expertise in football. His articulate storytelling captures the essence of each sport’s history, culture, and competitive spirit, inviting readers into the captivating world of sports.